We are excited to announce our BGR to Essence Fest Rider Prep Workshop in Westminster, California, on Saturday, May 19, 11am - 3pm! Join our local Ride Leader: Sarah Moreau, known as SeCCRet The Cross Country Rider, along with Porsche Taylor of Black Girls Ride Magazine for a presentation to gear you up for our upcoming Ride to Essence Fest, July 5 - 8 in New Orleans, LA. Lunch & Raffle Giveaways are provided courtesy of Indian Motorcycle of Orange County!
RSVP for this FREE workshop now: http://bgrtoessencecali.eventbrite.com
We'll Cover:
• Financial Planning for the Ride: How to budget for your trip
• Preparing to pound: Tunning up for long distance
• What's in your bag?: Essentials for cross country travel
• Accident First Responder Overview: First steps that can save lives
This event is mandatory for our California Essence Fest Registered Riders, as this is where you will pick up your pre-registration packages. As always, ALL RIDERS ARE WELCOME! Get the full details on the BGR to Essence Fest Ride at blackgirlsride.com/ridetoessence!
Register for BGR to Essence Fest Ride at blackgirlsride.eventbrite.com!
**Rider Registration does not include Essence Festival Concert Tickets. Tickets must be purchased separately through ticketmaster.com**
Got questions? Contact our Georgia Ride Leader: SeCCRet (310) 991-0645
For Vendor/Sponsorship info, Contact: Porsche Taylor (310) 733-0508
Special thanks to our sponsors: